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Human Resources

The HR Specialist The HR Specialist

In addition to providing plain-English HR advice that tells readers what they can do, not just what they can’t do, monthly issues of The HR Specialist and its related weekly e-letters show HR professionals how to raise the profile of the HR function from the back office to the boardroom. Readers will find personal success by developing innovative solutions to general management problems. View now...

The HR Specialist: Employment Law The HR Specialist: Employment Law

Clear, common-sense employment law advice that cuts directly to the bottom line. An attorney may say what the law is – but the monthly issues of HR Specialist: Employment Law and its related weekly e-letters explain what managers and HR professionals should do that is both safe and practical in the real world of business. View now...

The HR Weekly The HR Weekly

HR pros have many different needs – news, analysis, legal advice, case studies and more. And to fulfill all these pressing needs, you've had to turn to a variety of different (and costly) sources. Until now. Introducing The HR Weekly, the one-stop human resources information source. View now...


Leadership Briefings Leadership Briefings

By converting proven theories into practical advice, Leadership Briefings helps aspiring leaders learn how to make sound decisions that will raise productivity and fatten the bottom line; negotiate with vendors, competitors, employees and clients; innovate and inspire creativity in their teams; and delegate authority so that they can manage their time and achieve more at a higher level. Subscribers also have full access to, the newsletter's companion website. View now...

Managing People at Work Managing People at Work

People join companies, but they leave managers. Discover the tips, tricks and techniques you can use to motivate employees … banish negativity … recruit (and retain) top performers … and excel at managing people at work. Get management advice when you want it, the way you want it, with Managing People at Work. Subscribers also have full access to, the newsletter’s companion website. View now...

Office Administration

Administrative Professional Today Administrative Professional Today

The administrative professional’s guide to accelerated career development. Administrative Professional Today offers practical advice on office efficiency, politics, communication, time management, supervisory problems and technology. The monthly issues and weekly electronic forum give special attention to the changing duties of administrative professionals in today’s business environment. Subscribers also have full access to, the newsletter’s companion website. View now...

Payroll Management

Payroll Legal Alert Payroll Legal Alert

Avoid potential penalties, fines and lawsuits by keeping current on payroll legislation and by clarifying important issues such as in-plan Roth IRA rollovers, FLSA compliance trouble areas, FSA/HAS reimbursements and the Health Care Tax Credit. Also included in Payroll Legal Alert are useful calendars and worksheets designed especially for payroll specialists. Subscribers also have full access to, the newsletter’s companion website. View now...


Small Business Tax Strategies Small Business Tax Strategies

Smart small business owners save thousands of dollars per year on their personal and business taxes by taking advantage of the legal loopholes that the government creates for their unique tax situation. Small Business Tax Strategies cuts through tedious tax code to reveal the bonanza of completely legal opportunities to grow personal wealth and secure an enjoyable retirement. View now...

Upcomings Webinars

All Access Training PassAll Access Training Pass

Smart small business owners save thousands of dollars per year on their personal and business taxes by taking advantage of the legal loopholes that the government creates for their unique tax situation. All Access TrainingPass Participate in EVERY webinar we produce in the coming year at a fraction of the per-event price. You'll tighten up your HR compliance … gain valuable employee coaching and management skills … sharpen your leadership abilities … and more — all for less than it would cost you to register for ONE live conference, or to send just ONE PERSON to an out-of-state training session. It's the most cost-effective way to train your whole team. Visit Website...

Managing & Motivating the 7 Most Challenging Employee Types

Date/Time: July 30, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm

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• 6 signs that you have a challenging employee.
• How challenging employees push your management "hot buttons."
• The confrontational types: drama queens, challengers and power grabbers.
• Passive problems: slackers, clingers and space cadets.
• The secret formula for managing childish adults. (whiners, pouters, tattletales and gossips)
• How managers enable employees by rewarding negative behaviors.
• 5 traits managers must have to effectively deal with challenging employees.
• Coaching techniques that have the greatest impact on challenging employees.
• 5-step AMESH formula for helping people change their behavior.
• Truly toxic employees: when termination is the only option. Learn More.

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Harassment and Hostility at Work: Detect It and Fix It For Good

Date/Time: July 31, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Recognizing what a hostile work environment looks like now that the EEOC has comprehensive updated guidance covering all forms of harassment based on protected status
• Creating a comprehensive anti-hostility and harassment policy that will help prevent, identify and fix hostile work environments of every sort. Hint: The key is training and accountability
• How to root out systemic harassment — hostility that’s baked into your organization’s culture — and why you should never punish employees who bring it to light
• How to ensure all managers and supervisors understand their responsibilities, including how to handle discrimination and harassment they witness, and comply with the EEOC’s increasing expectation to encourage bystander reporting as a component of preventing and stopping harassment
• Reining in all forms of hostility and harassment, whether it is aimed at your employees, customers or clients, and regardless of where the harassment is coming from
• Dealing with the most difficult harassment cases, like those that involve behavior from customers, patients or clients, and what steps you can reasonably take<
• Hear examples of harassment, including unusual and emerging forms targeting teleworkers, religious beliefs and practices, gender identity, race and social-media usage, and hostility based on more than one protected characteristic< Learn More.

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HR Employment Law Advisor: Top 3 Employment Law Trends to Watch

Date/Time: August 1, 2024 1:00pm - 1:45pm

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We’re launching a new service called HR Employment Law Advisor that’s designed to give you updates and guidance on everything you need to do your job. Learn More.

• Employment law preview. Join employment lawyer Anniken Davenport as she dives into some of the top issues in the industry and how to prepare for changes.
• Keeping up with the news. Learn the strategies our team uses for keeping up with, and making sense of, the latest news.
• Navigating the site. Take a look at the new HR Employment Law Advisor site and membership options.
• Powerful new tools. Discover tools and ready-made manager training to keep HR, managers and supervisors informed and in sync.
• Special offers. Exclusive discounts on HR Employment Law Advisor, only available to kick-off attendees. Learn More.

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Developing Transformational Leaders in Your Organization

Date/Time: August 6, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Understand the crucial traits of a transformational leader.
• Apply the most important first step in developing transformational leaders.
• Help leaders learn how to flex their leadership style based on the situation.
• Train leaders on how to develop a clear cultural vision and communicate it effectively.
• Comprehend the value of mutual trust and respect in creating employee engagement and confidence. Learn More.

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The New Employee Handbook: Keeping up with Legal Changes

Date/Time: August 7, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Supreme Court-related changes. Learn why and how to change your handbook policies on religious expression and accommodations.
• Employee leave. What to include and what to leave out regarding FMLA, ADA, reasonable accommodations and workers’ comp.
• The fractured workplace. What happens when workers disagree on topics like politics and religion? Handbook policies that set reasonable conduct rules can create a more harmonious workplace.
• Speech and civility rules. When you can restrict what employees say and when you can’t (salaries, politics, hate speech, etc.).
• Dress and grooming. Learn how to set rules on appropriate behavior, attire and decor when it comes to both in-person and remote appearances.
• Drugs at work. Has your drug policy kept up with state regs? If not, it’s time to revisit those policies.
• Sexual and other harassment. Even if employees are remote, you need rules on email, telework, texting and off-site meetings. Learn More.

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Job Ad Workshop: The Keys to Attracting More Qualified Candidates

Date/Time: August 13, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Building a solid foundation. Gather the right details needed to craft a compelling job ad.
• Mastering SEO for job searches. Learn the 6 fundamentals of applying search engine optimization practices and principles to your job ads.
• Using the right tools. Discover the foolproof template to follow when creating job ads.
• Catching and keeping attention. Draw job seekers in with engaging writing and a compelling value proposition.
• Following the right structure. Master all 6 key sections of a job ad, using real examples from successful postings.
• Leveraging technology. Discover how to use technology like ChatGPT and other AI tools to facilitate success every step of the way. Learn More.

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Numbers Don’t Lie: What Payroll Metrics Can Teach You

Date/Time: August 20, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Measuring the right things. Don’t waste time and energy tracking every small thing—know what’s worth measuring and why.
• Data is data, but information is power. Learn how to transform raw data into usable information, and how to share it with the right stakeholders.
• Trendspotting. Metrics can help you analyze why some departments put in more overtime than others or why employees flee one department but not others, and then help decision-makers devise a solution.
• Process efficiency in payroll. Identify hang-ups and places with room for improvement. For example, track how many paper W-4s and direct-deposit forms you’re handling and use the information to advocate for a new or improved employee self-service portal.
• Tax-compliance efficiency. Getting too many tax notices? Capture the agency, the deficiency and the reason (maybe it’s your third-party payroll provider), and clean up your compliance headaches. Learn More.

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Leading Through Crisis and Disruption

Date/Time: August 21, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• Build strong and agile teams that are prepared to address the many changes that face us in today’s modern workplace.
• Develop a game plan and outline to address the most common and unpredictable challenges that can come your way in today’s hectic environment.
• Become an inspirational leader others emulate for role-model leadership, especially through challenges that can otherwise destabilize a team or undermine group camaraderie and trust.
• Identify when your employees are experiencing a crisis and how to encourage and assist them through those difficult situations.
• Learn how to improve your emotional self-awareness when anxiety and uncertainty arise during a crisis, and respond in a positive manner. Learn More.

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How to Turn Around Workplace Bullies & Abrasive Leaders

Date/Time: August 22, 2024 1:00pm - 2:15pm

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• A deeper analysis of the concept of workplace bullying and how it relates to conflict, harassment and workplace violence.
• Why people engage in bullying behavior, how the employer plays a contributing role and how employers, leaders and managers can turn that behavior around.
• A specific tactic employers can use to overcome the justification and denial of toxic behavior when it’s addressed with an abrasive leader.
• Coaching methods proven to help abrasive leaders change to create a better work environment.
• The difference between an investigation and an assessment.
• A case study on how an abrasive leader’s behavior has changed after coaching. Learn More.

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Upcomings Events